Totally agree but there’s no getting through to the…. So hot wearing all of this, being scared makes you even hotter. I just hope people can act a little more responsibly when they do go out so that we don’t overwhelm hospitals. This isn’t how life is supposed to be. To find out when your local Ross is opening, use the company’s store locator. I’m horribly allergic to perfume and scents… Should probably ban those… Oh wait…. They think that because they are healthy they will be fine but don’t realize they can pass it on to an unhealthy person. You can wait one minute for what you need. It’s better they learn it themselves. I waited about 20 minutes to get in. Thanks! 98% of people recover completely and the majority of the 2% who do not had underlying conditions. That’s 1 percent. She also worked at Mediabistro, and previously handled media relations for MSLGroup’s consumer practice. She is based in New York. The 4400 number is inflated, as anyone with Covid would be counted as a Covid death, regardless of actual cause of death. I held the hand of the strongest man I know as he screamed out in pain for 5 weeks. Tina: I live in South Dakota – a midwestern state – and we never shut down. Silly me! What about the families of those whos lives were lost with the flu over the years while you went about your business and day to day life. Then, when you point out the real (very low) statistics, the response is always the death rate is being minimized. speak for yourself please. I also know you didn’t deny it and instead of explaining your viewpoint, as a non-ignorant soul would do, you went straight to being hateful and name-calling. I did see that they had a ton of Easter and it was all 80% off. People totally don’t need money for food and shelter. I’m just defending myself. Especially a libelous one. We must consider the health and safety of others, as well. I’m sure you don’t mean to be insensitive, but I’m sure the families of the deceased would like to get their lives back as well. Take a second before you spread such hatred out into the world. I waited on line for 1 1/2 hours to pay, and the line snaked around the entire store and ended at the front door, and again, it was not possible to social distance with customers who were trying to get past to shop. “I crafted legislation to provide what we call bridge loans to small businesses in order to keep them from going under during the pandemic,” Ross said. It’s quite another to do it. Ross is returning with promises of “the best bargains ever!”. Whatever stance someone takes really does not matter because whatever is is, even experts still do not know everything about COVID. These kinds of online comments remind me that I want to give people respect, the benefit of the doubt, and remember that I like just about everyone I meet in person if I have just a few minutes to get to know A little about them. March 2016 Final Going Out of Business Sales Richard Levine/Corbis News/Getty Images Kmart has been closing stores steadily since April of 2015, which is actually a sign of at least some stability in the discount chain. Unemployment is real. Does anyone know why? It truly breaks my heart to read these comments. My county is a .0096% mortality rate.. I’m good with those odds considering almost a million people live here. You use a case as an exception to the rule to try to fear-monger people into staying home. No judgment here at all. Let’s save our economy and stop living in fear. Neither me nor my husbands job ever closed so I guess it’s just a little different here in our bubble. Tonya Garcia is a MarketWatch reporter covering retail and consumer-oriented companies. I’m almost positive we will have a vaccine for this as soon as someone stuff’s the pockets of the politicians and Chiefs in charge of the F.D.A. However, there were a lot of home accent items like wall art going out the door. Also, the return policy would not be extended. Well when do u suggest they re open ?ppl.have to be carefull but look the numbers are down it’s time to move on if you practice safe distance there should be no problem !!! Thank you and all frontline workers for all you are doing. “Doing your part to save the economy” is far less important than doing your part to save lives. If you have a set conclusion and refuse to change your stance based on new, ever-evolving information, you wouldn’t be using science as science – you’d be using science as a religion. We are re opened here in Omaha NE. Let’s allow the healthy get back to work so we are actually able to take better care of the elderly and other high risk. Why Projects Go Out of Control . I noticed the deep discounts and was able to purchase an item that can only be found for 40-50 dollars in the stores and bought it for 20. It should only make you nervous if you haven’t been following the science and statistic reports and are only going off of what you were told in the beginning of March. Some states are much worse than others but some have VERY few cases so stop trying to tell other people what to do and mind ya business geez!!! Please take care of each other. I seen lines of people waiting outside of our Ross store yesterday 1 all clustered together with no masks. A doctor recently got the virus even though he took all the precautions, always wearing a mask, etc & ended up hospitalized. Some people just don’t care if they get infected or infect others. Really. Rita Ora pulls out of Jonathan Ross Show appearance after breaking lockdown rules for 30th birthday party. You want to stay home? By using this site, you are agreeing to the site's terms of use. Holy cow. Fitting rooms and restrooms were closed. Are these parents that insane Or just down right STUPID♀️♀️. Didn’t they say “Globalization would make everything high quality but less expensive?” Sadly, the country as a whole is not. I in no way wish to comment on the death rate or peoples’ freedoms as I know that at this point no one is likely to be swayed one way or the other. Great comparisons Kate & Kate! I’m allowed to respond to a comment directed to me, yes? Don’t try to compare this to the flu. I live in Arkansas and we were never on lockdown. I think each person should make the choice, and depending on your area, beliefs and attitude it may differ, and that is OK. We need that so much right now. A little simple math shows that this strain of coronavirus is AT LEAST 40 times deadlier. Over just the past THREE months, 4400 people have died from COVID-19 here. December 2019? Other departments were a mix, like pets where the beds and treats were mostly all on clearance, but none of the toys seemed to be. My husband defends are right to freedom.. I’m just going to add my experience of shopping at Ross yesterday. I would much rather see the good in the world than all of this hatred, name calling rude and arrogance in these comments. "There were times when the WWF had us locked out … Over just the past THREE months, 4400 people have died from COVID-19 here. Cat fight over a Ross deal! Please don’t judge others for making the choices they feel are best. People love to skew the idea of a free country. Also, the population of Pennsylvania is 12.8 million. I truly appreciate the updates on company policies and opening. There was no one at the front offering hand sanitizer, wipes or checking for masks. ROST, “If we do anything else it would be out the blue," Ross said. I got there a few hours after the store opened so the best of the best was probably gone at that point. As the country gradually gets back to business and retailers start opening their doors, we can expect to see some deep discounts at off-price retailers like T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross. Would you also like to leave us a comment? It’s nobody’s place to tell others what they should or should not do. I won’t judge anyone who feels like they need and should stay home. This just makes my heart hurt and makes me sad. August 18, 2019 8:59 PM ET. All we can do is make the best decisions for ourselves and try to stay safe. It gives people information to accurately weigh the risks and benefits of choices they make. 88 per cent of travel agents could go out of business in next eight months Shares of Tesla Inc. undefined sank 5.6% in premarket trading, to pullback from back-to-back record closes at the end of last week, as Wall Street prepped to see the mammoth electric vehicle maker finally be included in the coveted S&P 500 undefined. Please leave politics and misinformation about covid out of the site it’s supposed to be a positive atmosphere here. I’m in NJ, we topped 10,000 deaths today. Let’s not let evil and fear win. We can communicate differing viewpoints without hostility. , So hip2save removed my response to someone calling the east coast obnoxious. Stay safe and enjoy life. If you go to the stores, please practice safe distancing. Either control it properly or let it go. Read our full disclosure policy here. Have you ventured out to any of these retailers since they reopened? Personally I won’t be going out shopping or dining even if my state reopens, but that’s because I visit my parents a lot so I want to make sure the chance I pass a potentially deadly virus on to them is as low as possible. Sport across the country has … If we followed this line of thinking, we should eliminate all seafood restaurants since some people have deadly reactions to seafood. Reading these comments just make my heart hurt. Like I said earlier, God forgive you for you know not what you say. The meaning goes away when the words are spelled wrong! Sadly YOU are grossly misinformed. It should. I wasn’t speaking for you, I was expressing how your comment came across and challenged your viewpoint. Hip2Save may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. There is concern small businesses will decide that they might as well go out of business, despite the government launching more measures to help them survive the impacts of COVID-19. A little simple math shows that this strain of coronavirus is AT LEAST 40 times deadlier. Last I heard, they were actually estimating the death rate to be between 0.1 and 0.2 percent. As an RN who has worked in community health, I am feeling heartbroken as well. But yes, ke’ts just reopen in the middle of a global pandemic because self-absorbed and entitled folk need their frosted tips, mani/pedis and lattes. You are the one that are spreading misinformation. It’s definitely hit or miss. Your email address will not be published. Yes. Even the grocery store, I had people on top of me. said Friday that it will shutter all of its Ross Dress For Less and dd's Discounts locations in the U.S. from March 20 to April 3. They need to remove the antagonist. At a time like this, evil loves it when we attack each other, instead: THE MAIN THING IS TO KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING. Scary stuff. Over just the past THREE months, 4400 people have died from COVID-19 here. And we are at over 3,500 deaths in CT alone. Definitely passing on going back, Yes, I went to Hobby Lobby and it was busy (South Dakota), I put my mask on and made a bee line for the items I needed and checked out. I decided to go this week. Thanks for the prayer of forgiveness though, I appreciate it. I just wonder how many people think they are healthy until they are proven wrong? Went to Marshall’s wednesday. And for the record, most of the spring consignment sales for children were cancelled. Ross wants people to adhere to that when they're roaming their racks. I am somewhere in the middle, because I know I cannot sit home forever, but I want to stay safe and wearing a mask and gloves, using sanitizer, being very carefuly upon removal makes me feel OK about venturing out here and there. No one’s forcing those who are high-risk or concerned in general to go to stores. Not that any of us will likely sway each other but it’s always nice to have clear ways to communicate my thoughts – I may be borrowing your analogies if the situation comes up. I wish there was some way the admins could delete and turn off posts on this. The majority of the clothing, home accents, candy, and personal care/toiletry items were on clearance. The fewer people out spreading this virus, the fewer patients you will have to risk your own health to treat. If your Ross has an opening date set, it will be listed there. I honestly hate when people want to minimize the death rate. Without help from Business Licenses, LLC, it can be challenging to even understand all the steps to getting your Ross (Township of), Ohio going out of business … I live in the Midwest & I’m ready to party!! Tonya joined MarketWatch from Moguldom Media, where she was business editor for MadameNoire, a website targeting African-American women with a range of content from personal finance to economics, politics, education and lifestyle and entertainment. Sometimes these posts on here about store’s re-opening get me worried, as they will give reason to buy non essential items because it’s a good deal. Waterstones m.d. Whoa, what’s up with the “obnoxious bubble” comment? Starbucks Happy Hour Has Been Suspended Due to COVID-19. Freedom of speech doesn’t include the right to unnecessarily scream “FIRE!” in a crowded auditorium. EXACTLY!! Not a single purse or set of curtains…Obviously the supply chain was affected, Your email address will not be published. This Covid19 is meant to scare, and it scared you. As Tesla debuts in the S&P 500, do you know if you’re an owner? Use this time to find something kind to do for someone, try to see another persons point of view before spewing hateful things at one another. Yay! I work for the CDC and I’m going to put my 2 cents in without picking sides. Real science is ever changing and is based on making conclusions based on the most current information presented. Clearance signs everywhere in the stores.
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