2. Due to the their long tap roots and large size, you’ll want a fairly large, deep pot, probably a minimum 5 gallons volume. Here’s How to Grow Milk Thistle. Milk thistle usually propagates through seeds, but you may be able to propagate the plant with a cutting. If the appearance of the plant is too weedy for your taste, grow milkweed plants in a hidden but sunny corner or at the back of a border. Once established, Milk Thistle performs best in full sun, with fertile soil and moderate water. Can you grow milk thistle in pots? Common Milkweed grows well in average garden soil. Identify milk thistle by leaves with white veins and hairy seeds on its pink flowers. Milk thistle is a hardy plant that grows well in different environments, but it prefers high temperatures and dry conditions. Plant seeds of the milkweed plant indoors or direct sow outside after danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed. The tray will need to remain in an area that remains at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and then watered daily until germination occurs. Genus Silybum are large annuals and biennials, with basal rosettes of large, lobed leaves and thistle-like purple flower-heads with spiny bracts in summer . The plants also often self-seed. The Mediterranean native plant is particularly fond of growing in rocky, dry regions. If growing milk thistle for herbal purposes, you can also plant it indoors. Place the tray in an area that stays at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and water the soil daily until … This may lead you to wonder what does milkweed look like. How Much Milk Thistle to Take Per Day: Most notably, this tall, thorny herb with spiky flowers has been prized for centuries for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. The flowers are most commonly harvested for their seeds. Also, the plant has a pink-purplish thistle at the top. Ask a gardener about planting thistle, and they will most likely tell you not to plant it--it is a weed. How to Use Milk Thistle. As milk thistle is often considered a weed itself, virtually no weed control is needed. The dried fruit may be used as medicine. Sow seeds directly outside (½ inch deep) in March or April for summer flowering and a biennial plant. It also helps to slow down the aging process and wrinkle development. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The milk thistle's seeds should be sown outside about 1/2 inch deep in either March or April for summer flowering. Start indoors 6 weeks before last frost to have blooms the first year. Plant your seeds ¼ inch (0.5 cm.) When growing milk thistle for herbal or medicinal purposes, many gardeners will plant them indoors. I have taken a Milk Thistle supplement twice this week, 2 days apart, and each time I developed gross hematuria - visible blood in the urine. Thin to the strongest plant. I am now on anti-biotics in case it is a urinary tract infection, but the coincidence of developing hematuria ('apparently' caused by an UTI) hours after the milk thistle… Seeds are taken from the dried milk thistle … If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required. Milk thistle is mainly a plant with long spiny leaves. How to harvest and process milk thistle seeds. Unlike many other edible plants, the milk thistle's seeds can remain viable for many years--even up to a decade after harvesting. Be sure to space each hole about three feet apart, and you'll only need three or four seeds for each hole. The plant is an antioxidant that has been shown to protect cells from damage, and it also contains the active ingredient silymarin, which is used to treat liver and gallbladder issues. Milk thistle is a very decorative plant. https://articles.mercola.com/gardening/how-to-grow-milk-thistle.aspx Google has turned up nothing... 6 comments. This plant is very handy for maintaining clear, smooth and soft skin. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. However, it is loaded with medicinal benefits. The only requirement for milk thistle is a well-draining soil. Instead of planting directly in the ground, opt to grow milk thistle in containers. The blooms are approximately 5 cm across and appear from July to September. .admin-menu { display:none } Milk thistle is also a known antidote for certain poisonous mushrooms. If grown in a place with very hot summers, the plant should be located in a spot with indirect sunlight or partial shade, to avoid overheating. Though it's sometimes considered a weed due to its invasive properties and ability to spread quickly, the milk thistle plant (Silybum marianum) has an array of medicinal benefits. Does anybody know where to find seeds/seedlings/cuttings of milk thistle in Australia? Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. All Rights Reserved. Terminal heads of purple flowers with spiny bracts appear in the second year. margin-top: 2px; The milk thistle's purple flowers sit on top of spiky heads, and it is also known for its bright green foliage with white marbling (which is what give the plant it's milky moniker). How to Grow Milk Thistle. Family Asteraceae . 2. Silibinin is the active compound in silymarin and it is a commonly recommended treatment for individuals with liver disease. Germination should be seen in 10-20 days. margin-right: 6px; The hardy milk thistle plant isn't picky when it comes to the type of weather it will grow in. Members of the Silybum plant genus are hardy annuals or biennials that reach a height of about 1.2 m.. The seed of the milk thistle plant is commonly used to treat chronic inflammatory liver disorders and it is among the top-selling medicinal herbs.While milk thistle products are easy to come by, this is a great herb to grow … The 3 major advantages of PlantVital’s Organic Milk Thistle are: 1. }, You can unsubscribe at any time and I guarantee the privacy of your email. The weakest plants can be thinned out after they germinate, which should take about 10 to 20 days. Growing Milk Thistle in Australia. These plants behave and spread much like weeds, which means they can quickly overtake any other plants nearby and absorb all of the space and nutrients. © 1997-2020 Dr. Joseph Mercola. If you want to use an article on your site please click here. Milk thistle has a laxative effect which results in weight loss. Silymarin is the functional phytocompound from the milk thistle plant. In some locations, growing milk thistle is actually illegal because of its ability to spread and destroy ecosystems. 9. When & Where To Plant Milkweed. The milk thistle plant will grow best in either a sunny or part shade location. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. While most people actually consider milk thistle a pesky weed, and it can be quite invasive, its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-viral benefits make it … In … It looks good both in compositions and growing alone. Milk thistle provided strength to the body so a strengthen body will definitely prevent hair loss. The seeds are sown in April, directly into the ground, at 2-3 cm … milk thistle, silybum marianum, growing as weeds - milk thistle stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Although milk thistle is a drought-resistant plant, it will still require water in completely dry conditions, at least until it's established. Milk thistle seeds are medicinal and often used in tea to help with liver and kidney ailments. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. Milk Thistle, Silybum Adans, belongs to the sunflower family, native to southern Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor. This will not only enhance the overall appearance of the plant but will also help prevent the dispersal of seeds via the wind. All parts of these tall and thorny biennial flowering plants can be eaten. deep just after the last frost in a spot that receives full sun. Many growers of milk thistle will fertilize the soil with both nitrogen and potassium in order to increase the yield of seeds. You can grow milk thistle in gardens with most types of soil, even soil that is very poor. Plant the seeds in seed trays filled with potting soil and cover them with a very light layer of soil. Potency. Given its many health benefits, you may be interested in knowing how to use milk thistle. Milk thistle is partial to rocky soil and can grow up to 4 feet tall. However, these plants can be toxic to many animals, so, if it ends up in pastures, it can poison livestock. It germinates in 7-14 days at room temperature for transplants or direct sow outside after danger of frost for blooms typically in the second year, after which it produces seeds and dies. The seeds can be harvested and you can cook and consume both the leaves and flower heads. It is a complex of flavonlignans and polyphenols. The U.S. National Cancer Institute reports that milk thistle contains the active ingredient … thistle liver-protective medicinal plant - milk thistle stock illustrations. content: ""; Yes, you can grow milk thistle plants in pots. float: left; Milk thistle is a heady, spiny plant with white-veined leaves and purple flowers. 1 Snip a healthy 2- to 4-inch stem from the milk thistle before the fall frost. Milk thistle grow and care – herbaceous of the genus Silybum also known as Silybum marianum, Milk thistle annual or biennial plant also used as ornamentalmedical plant, can grow in mediterranean, desert, temperate or subtropical climate and growing in hardiness zone 6-11.. Leaves edible in the color green sometimes with white lines in the edge of the leaf there is spines. Milk thistle’s antioxidant power makes it a great option to treat acne. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. These weed-like biennials can produce thousands of seeds from just one plant. This also helps prevent the plant from taking over the entire garden. Purity. I take milk thistle supplements (good for liver function) but would prefer to grow the plant myself. Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. height: 15px; If you've planted milk thistle to add a little bit of color to your landscape, their top stems can be pruned as soon as its flowers start to die off. An extract from the seeds has been used medicinally for centuries for a variety of health problems, particularly those affecting the liver, kidney, and gallbladder. While all parts of the milk thistle plant are … Soil: There is a Milkweed variety for every landscape. Light: Young Milkweed plants need plenty of diffuse light as they grow.Plant in full sun locations. medical herbs set - milk thistle stock illustrations. As such, milk thistle greatly improves the overall functioning of your liver, with specific applications related to cirrhosis of the liver, chronic liver inflammation and liver damage from alcohol and other intoxicating substances. Things to keep in mind when planting and harvesting milk thistle: ( 41 , 44) Pick a sunny to partly-sunny spot. background-size: 15px; It was named milk thistle because of the white lines going across the green leaves. Milk thistle seeds are medicinal and often used in tea to help with liver and kidney ailments. An interesting characteristic of milk thistle is, if you crush or rip apart the leaves, a milky like substance will ooze out. Their seeds can germinate in temperatures ranging anywhere from 32 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and the plant can remain viable for up to ten years. 1 Snip a healthy 2- to 4-inch stem from the milk thistle before the fall frost. While most people actually consider milk thistle a pesky weed, and it can be quite invasive, its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-viral benefits make it worth keeping around. Our 50 to 1 ratio organic Milk Thistle extract delivers the equivalent of 12,500 milligrams of milk thistle per capsule. Terms & Conditions | Updated Privacy Policy | Sitemap. The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Or anywhere really, seeds can transport (it's weird trying to buy seeds for weeds). To grow milk thistle outdoors, spread the seed directly over the desired area in the spring or fall. .admin-label:before { Most people actually consider milk thistle a pesky weed, and while it can be quite invasive, it also possesses remarkable medicinal benefits that make it worth keeping around. background-image: url(//media.mercola.com/Themes/mercolaArticle/images/badge-expert-user.png); What Is Milk Thistle? Milk Thistle seeds can be started earlier indoors and transplanted. Growing in pots may stifle milk thistle plants' aggressive growth habit and prevent them from overwhelming your garden. The weakest plants can be thinned out after they germinate, which should take about 10 to 20 days. Milk thistle usually propagates through seeds, but you may be able to propagate the plant with a cutting. Diabetes Plant in groups of 3-4 seeds, spaced 30-36" apart. see more; Synonyms Carduus marianus. Jennifer Lesser is a New Jersey-based freelance writer specializing in health and wellness for both humans and their four-legged friends. Ask a bird-watching enthusiast and they will tell you that planting thistle is a great way to attract birds like finch and woodpecker who dine on thistle seeds. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Divide the basal growth away in … Silymarin can be found in the plant's seeds, which are often used to make extracts or tinctures that can be used medicinally. However, it is loaded with medicinal benefits. You'll need to check if you can grow it in your region legally and weigh up the plants pros and cons before deciding to grow it. The flower heads can be cut with scissors when they're young, and then either boiled or steamed until they're tender enough to eat. Planting. The U.S. National Cancer Institute reports that milk thistle contains the active ingredient silymarin, which is used to treat liver and gallbladder problems and is an antioxidant that protects the cells against damage. By Loreta. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. The milk thistle's seeds should be sown outside about 1/2 inch deep in either March or April for summer flowering. This plant doesn't need any extra humidity, and growing it in an environment that is too humid may cause issues such as fungus or pests. Subscribe for FREE to the #1 Natural Health Newsletter or Login for Instant Access, Dental Dedication: Improve Your Oral Health, While most people actually consider milk thistle a pesky weed, and it can be quite invasive, its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-viral benefits make it worth keeping around, Grassroots Health Nutrient Research Institute. There are some other species of thistle that are not as invasive, but you'll know it's a milk thistle because of the white markings on its foliage that other native species do not have. They can also grow to be rather large (up to three feet tall and four feet wide), and the flower stalks themselves produce multiple flowers and can reach heights up to five feet. Space each hole 2½-3 feet apart. Milk thistles belong to the genus Silybum. Milk thistle will grow easily in a variety of soil types, including sandy varieties and heavy clay dirt. Growing as high as 5 feet, Milk Thistle has large thorny leaves with striking light-green and white markings and bright pink flowers. The milk thistle also happens to be very cold hardy and difficult to eradicate once its established thanks to its deep taproots and dense foliage. ; Swamp Milkweed, as its name implies, will do best in a moist environment, making it great for wet meadows or rain gardens. How to Grow Milk Thistle. Most notably, this tall, thorny herb with spiky flowers has been prized for centuries for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. Most people consider milk thistle a pesky weed because it can grow tall and thorny, making it hard to even get near. #menu { font-size: 14px; } By using The Spruce, you accept our. One of the most potent on the market. #menu:hover .admin-menu { display: block; } Milk thistle is considered very easy to grow and can tolerate most conditions, but this means it is also extremely invasive. Growing Milk Thistle From Seeds . The vitamins stored in this plant internally purify the system responsible for hormone production, thus reducing break outs. Milk thistle is a flowering plant that grows throughout the world, usually in dry sunny areas. Be sure to space each hole about three feet apart, and you'll only need three or four seeds for each hole. How to grow Milk Thistle - Silybum marianum: It is a thistle-like species which forms a rosette of large, glossy dark-green leaves with prominent white veins and spiny lobes. They bloom in the summer when they carry purple flowers reminiscent of thistles. The dried flower heads may be used for decoration of dry bouquets. Its name refers to the milky white sap that comes from the leaves when crushed. Identify milk thistle by leaves with white veins and hairy seeds on its pink flowers. 3. Growing globe thistle from clump division is the fastest way to get flowers. Milk Thistle for Hair Loss: Milk thistle helps in removing the toxin from the body and with that, it also helps in preventing hair loss. View our privacy policy, Unlock censored health information that Google doesn't want you to read, Keep your privacy secure — we are one of the few websites that have banned all Google and Facebook scripts to help stop their surveillance capitalism, Get access to all of Dr. Mercola's health articles, E-books and special reports. The milk thistle's seeds can be planted in seed trays filled with potting soil, and then covered with a light layer of soil. You'll need reasonably deep pots to accommodate the plants because they … Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Most people consider milk thistle a pesky weed because it can grow tall and thorny, making it hard to even get near. width: 15px; Growing globe thistle from collected seeds is imprecise, but purchased cultivated seed has a better seedling rate. Milk thistle is partial to rocky soil and can grow up to 4 feet tall. How to Grow Silybum Plants Guide to Growing Milk Thistle, Ivory Thistle and Holy Thistle. ) but would prefer to grow Silybum plants Guide to growing milk thistle 's,. ( ½ inch deep in either a sunny to partly-sunny spot cookies to provide you with cutting. Also, the plant from taking over the entire garden in containers sap comes... Are medicinal and often used in tea to help with liver and kidney ailments 44. Given its many health benefits, you can also plant it -- it is as! In March or April for summer flowering is also a known antidote for certain poisonous mushrooms, plant! 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